Once your payment is processed at checkout you’ll be able to download your products there but you'll also receive a confirmation email containing an additional digital download. If you're still having issues reach out to tinytapeshelp@gmail.com
Digital product orders cannot be canceled or refunded once payment has been processed.
If the Digital product you download does not match what was advertised, reach out to us at tinytapeshelp@gmail.com to let us know!
First, please allow five minutes for the email to arrive and check your email spam box for the emails. If you still can’t find them, please contact tinytapeshelp@gmail.com and confirm the name and email that should be associated with the order. Please be sure to include a link to the listing you purchased the digital product from.
Typically, issues accessing files can be caused by the following reasons:
If nothing happens when you click the download link, it’s possible that there’s an issue with your web browser. Please disable any non-standard add-ons or toolbars that you’ve installed and try again.If your computer states that the file has been corrupted, delete the file and try downloading it again. If your computer is unable to open the file, it’s possible that you’re missing the program required to open the file type. Please download the required program and try opening the file again.
- If you tried downloading multiple downloads at once this could corrupt your files
- Your web browser may need to be updated, have it cookies cleared or try downloading via a different web browser
- You may need to try downloading with different internet
Please refer to the Video Tutorial given with the download of FastFX for basic use issues.
As of December 2024 FastFX runs best on Premiere Pro version 24 (any version of 24). Any version other than this still works but you may run into some bugs and error codes. You may need to uninstall FastFX and re-install it after installing Premiere Pro 24. If you have any other issues please email us at tinytapeshelp@gmail.com